Photo of Lisa Lee Herrick smiling, white lace dress, long dark hair, with black and gold background.


For publishing inquiries, and all rights (including content permissions, reprints, audiovisual and/or live reproductions and performances) for North America & International markets:

Jennifer Gates and Jane von Mehren, co-agents
Aevitas Creative Management
19 West 21st Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10010

Email: and

For media, press, and publicity inquiries:

For short-form content or illustration inquiries and/or commissions, or literary anthology requests:

For speaking engagement requests and/or inquiries for public (in-person, virtual, hybrid) appearances, including panels and workshops:

Inquiry guidelines

  • How can I contact lisa lee herrick?

    For all rights- and permissions-related inquiries for reprints (from excerpts to entire original works), and audiovisual or live performances, including solicitations for new publishing projects, i.e. book manuscripts, please contact both my co-agents in writing via email, or by mailing your request(s) to the business address provided above.

    Jennifer Gates:

    Jane von Mehren:

    For all other requests, email with the nature of your request as the subject heading. Emails with a non-specific or no subject heading will not be read.

  • I'd like to book lisa lee herrick for a speaking engagement.

    Send an email to with the subject heading “Speaking Engagement Inquiry” with your name and/or organization, and a response requested by date. For example: “Speaking Engagement Inquiry - John Doe, NEA, please respond by May 4, 2022.”

  • I would like to interview lisa lee herrick.

    Send an email to with the subject heading “Interview Request” with your name and/or organization, with a response requested by date.

    Provide a brief but succinct introduction to who you are, your organization and/or media outlet, and any important dates (if the request is timely or urgent), as in the case of developing news.

  • Can I republish an excerpt or a portion of lisa lee Herrick's work for my own writing?

    For all reprints, republications, and rights, contact both my co-agents in writing via email, or by mailing them at the business address listed above.

    Please include in your subject heading “Request for reprints - Lisa Lee Herrick,” plus the title of the original work requested, in your written request.

  • will lisa lee herrick read my manuscript, and provide comments?

    Apologies, but, at this time, Lisa Lee Herrick is devoting her time to writing her books.

  • I'd like to learn more about librovore.

    You can find free preview issues of my semi-monthly newsletter on Substack here.

    Bookmark the link and subscribe at:

  • I'd like to learn more about the pen america emerging voices fellowship, and how to apply.

    For all PEN America EVF program details (including application deadlines), visit:

    Please note: I may be serving on the selection committee, so I will not be available to comment on the program once application reviews begin.

  • How can I send Lisa Lee Herrick items for Hyphen magazine?

    For all press releases, product launches, new releases (books, film, TV, music etc.), and other newsworthy communications, please email those messages to

    Hyphen magazine-related business sent to this author account will be deleted unread.

  • i'd like to just say hi!

    Drop by on Twitter @lisaleeherrick and say “Hi!”